Amdanom Ni

Mae’r Wales Arts Review yn gartref i ysgrifennu beirniadol o safon uchel am fyd y celfyddydau – rhywle ble mae beirniaid angerddol a gwybodus o Gymru a thu draw yn gallu mynegi eu barn. Mae ein beirniaid celfyddydol ni yn bobl sy’n cymryd diddordeb manwl yn ein diwylliant a’n cymuned.

Cafodd Wales Arts Review ei sefydlu yn 2012, ac ers hynny, mae wedi bod yn llwyfan i genhedlaeth newydd o feirniaid. Mae’n rhywle i bobl drafod llyfrau, theatr, cerddoriaeth, gwleidyddiaeth a’r cyfryngau.

Er bod Wales Arts Review yn gyhoeddiad cyfrwng Saesneg, mae’r sefydliad yn falch iawn o’n hymwybyddiaeth ddwyieithog yma yng Nghymru. Nid ydym yn cyfyngu ein hunain i adolygu gweithiau Saesneg yn unig. Mae Wales Arts Review yn cyhoeddi erthyglau ar fyd y theatr Gymraeg o Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru i Theatr Bara Caws, ac yn hefyd adolygu rhaglenni teledu Cymraeg ar S4C. Rydym hefyd wedi adolygu’r gweithgareddau yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, ac yn 2014, enillodd nofel Caradog Pritchard Un Nos Ola Leuad ein gwobr am y llyfr gorau yng Nghymru.

Emma Schofield


An academic, commentator and writer, Emma Schofield has a PhD from Cardiff University where she also teaches in education and curriculum design. Emma is developing her PhD research for publication with University of Wales Press and has written widely on literature, culture and politics in Wales. Her edited collection exploring the impact of devolution on the lives of women in Wales will be published in 2023 by Parthian Books and her short fiction has appeared in a number of publications. She has featured as a contributor on a range of shows across BBC Radio Wales, Radio 3 and Radio 4, having been selected to take part in the BBC’s New Generation Thinkers scheme.

Ben Glover

Managing Editor

Ben Glover is a political essayist, activist and campaigner. After graduating from Cardiff Metropolitan University, Ben has worked for a number of political parties on various projects and elections, both on a local and national level. The primary focus of his academic research and political writings has been investigations into the structures of power in Wales and abroad.

Cerith Mathias

Contributing Editor

Cerith Mathias is a Producer, Writer and Events Manager. She has been at the helm of numerous BBC Wales political programmes including The Wales Report with Huw Edwards. Cerith is the Director of Pontypridd Children’s Book Festival, Co-Director of Cardiff Book Festival and a Co-Director of Pontypridd Books.

Craig Austin

Senior Editor

Craig Austin is the Review’s lead writer on pop culture, his primary focus being the relationship between the arts and social and political change. Having spent his formative years in South Wales, Craig now lives in London, his location acting as an invaluable means of promoting Welsh arts to an ever wider audience. His writing has also appeared in NME and The Guardian.

Bethan Hall

Assistant Editor

Bethan has a master's degree in Music from Cardiff University. Specialising in musicology, her interests lie predominantly with film music, analysis and the representation of nature through sound. Bethan also enjoys baking cakes and after the lockdown hopes to further her skills as an open water diver.

Gary Raymond

Executive Editor

Gary Raymond is a novelist, critic, editor and broadcaster. He is one of the founding editors of Wales Arts Review. He is the presenter of BBC Radio Wales's The Review Show, and has appeared as a commentator on a wide range of platforms, including BBC Radio Four's Front Row, and The Guardian. As well as being a prolific non-fiction writer, he has written three novels and two non-fiction books.