Dirty Protest launched in 2007 and have since become an award-winning theatre company, selling out in theatres and small venues across the country. In 2013, they won the Wales Critics Choice and the Theatre Critics of Wales awards for their production of Katherine Chandler’s Parallel Lines. They place well-established and up-and-coming writers on the same platform in order to provide an equal platform for all. Below you’ll find all of Wales Arts Reviews’ coverage on Dirty Protest, including news, reviews, and exclusive interviews with some of their writers and directors.
How to be Brave by Siân Owen | Theatre (Interview)
Siân Owen is an award-winning playwright whose new one-woman play, How To Be Brave, draws on her experiences growing up in Newport in the 1990s, and is a rollercoaster ride through tears and laughter.
Emily Garside reviews How To Be Brave, a slice of life play which highlights working class women’s voices.
Matthew Bulgo | In Conversation
Emily Garside marks ten years of fringe theatre company Dirty Protest by catching up with Matthew Bulgo about what’s changed.
In the last of Wales Arts Review’s spotlights on the theatre companies venturing from Wales up to the Edinburgh Fringe this year, we talk to writer Alan Harris and director Catherine Paskell of Dirty Protest who are aiming to set the fringe alight with Sugar Baby.
Parallel Lines | Theatre Review
Phil Morris reviews Katherine Chandler’s newest play with fringe theatre company Dirty Protest, Parallel Lines.
Catherine Paskell and Katherine Chandler | Dirty Protest Interview
As Wales’ foremost fringe theatre company, Dirty Protest, begins its first ever touring production with the award-winning play Parallel Lines, Wales Arts Review caught up with the director, Catherine Paskell, and the writer Katherine Chandler, just as the tour was about to open in Cardiff’s Chapter Arts Centre.
Phil Morris ponders Last Christmas at Porters, Cardiff; written by Matthew Bulgo and directed by Kate Wasserberg.
Parallel Lines by Katherine Chandler | Theatre Preview
Phil Morris gives us an exciting preview of Parallel Lines, by award-winning playwright Katherine Chandler.
Plays in a Bag Review: Dirty Protest at the Royal Court | Theatre
Phil Morris reviews the four-part Plays in a Bag series as part of the Royal Court ‘Surprise Theatre’ season.
Dirty Protest at the Royal Court: Plays in a Bag (BTS)
Phil Morris is at the Royal Court talking to those behind the scenes of Plays in a Bag, written by Kath Chandler.
Joao Morais is in Porter’s Bar in Cardiff reviewing a production by fringe theatre country Dirty Protest which draws inspiration from the Artes Mundi prize.
Dylan Moore provides an in-depth review of The Real Valleys, Dirty Protest’s meta comeback to the MTV reality show The Valleys.
Elin Williams visits Clwyd Theatre Cymru for a production of Last Christmas, written by Matthew Bulgo with Dirty Protest.
Dylan Moore reviews After the End – the latest production from the Dirty Protest collective at Sherman Cymru.
Recommended for you: A hub for all of Wales Arts Reviews’ National Theatre Wales content, including news, reviews, and interviews.