After much discussion the Wales Arts Review team has picked its top 10 Welsh books of 2017.
Top 10 Welsh Books of 2017

The Doll Funeral by Kate Hamer (novel, Faber & Faber)
Carolyn Percy reviews The Doll Funeral by Kate Hamer, a mysterious journey of self-discovery with a unique dual timeline narrative.
And Suddenly You Find Yourself by Natalie Holborow (poetry, Parthian)
Sophie Baggott reviews And Suddenly You Find Yourself, a poetry collection by Natalie Ann Holborow which elegantly exposes the truths of human nature.
Psalmody by Maria Apichella (poetry, Eyewear Press)
Carla Manfredino reviews Psalmody by Maria Apichella, a thoughtful and refreshing collection illustrating the often trivial aspects of love and religion.
Discovering Dylan Thomas by John Goodby (non-fiction, University of Wales Press)
In the first of four exclusive extracts in the lead up to this year’s Dylan Day, leading Thomas expert Professor John Goodby explores several aspects of what we know about Thomas, and what we only thought we knew. As with so much relating to Dylan Thomas, writes John Goodby in the introduction to his hotly anticipated new book, Discovering Dylan Thomas, the story of the discovery of the fifth notebook is both entertaining and intriguing.
Writing Motherhood: A Creative Anthology ed. Carolyn Jess-Cooke (non-fiction, Seren)
Helen Calcutt casts a critical eye over Writing Motherhood: A Creative Anthology edited by Carolyn Jess-Cooke.
The Haunting of Henry Twist by Rebecca F John (novel, Serpent’s Tail)
Carolyn Percy reviews Rebecca F. John’s The Haunting of Henry Twist, a fresh take on historical fiction that explores a haunting which is all too real.
All Fours by Nia Davies (poetry, Bloodaxe)
Sophie Baggott reviews Nia Davies’ All Fours, a poetry collection which asks more questions than it answers, transcending language to hint at the unknowable.
Women Who Blow on Knots by Ece Temelkuran (novel, Parthian)
Emma Schofield reviews Ece Temelkuran’s Women Who Blow on Knots, a fearless tale of female solidarity during the Arab Spring.
Under My Thumb: Songs That Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them ed. Rhian E. Jones and Eli Davies (Repeater Books)
Hummingbird by Tristan Hughes (novel, Parthian)
Nigel Jarrett reviews Hummingbird by Tristan Hughes, admiring the author’s skill in crafting such a beautifully balanced and emotionally raw novel.
And Wales Arts Review’s Book of the Year 2017 is…
Writing Motherhood:
A Creative Anthology
edited by Carolyn Jess-Cooke